Croatia Gasoline prices, 14-Oct-2024
The current gasoline price in Croatia is EUR 1.49 per liter or USD 1.62 per liter and was updated on 14-Oct-2024.
For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world is USD 1.18 per liter.
Croatia |
Gasoline prices |
Current price | 1.62 |
Measure | USD/Liter |
Last update | 2024-10-14 |
Data availability from | 2014-11-03 |
Data frequency | Weekly |
Source: EU Oil Bulletin
We show Octane-95 gasoline price data for Croatia
from 2014-11-03 to 2024-10-14.
The average gasoline price during that period is EUR 8.33
per liter with a minimum of
EUR 1.41 on 2023-01-09 and a maximum of
EUR 15.02 on 2022-07-11.
Our data are obtained from official government sources, regulatory agencies, petroleum companies, and major media sources.
We update the series for Croatia every week.
Gasoline prices |
Price (EUR/Liter) | Percent change |
Current price | 1.49 | - |
One month ago | 1.56 | -4.5 % |
Three months ago | 1.60 | -6.9 % |
One year ago | 1.56 | -4.5 % |
Croatia Gasoline prices: The last eight weeks
Croatia Gasoline prices, liter, Euro
* A long flat line means that the government fixes the prices.
Croatia: Gasoline price analytics |
Value |
Percent of world average gasoline price | 125.75% |
Correlation with crude oil prices | 0.95 |
Percent change if oil prices increase 10% | 3.62% |
Correlation with USD exchange rate | -0.54 |
Price flexibility index: 0 (low) - 1 (high) | 0.86 |
Correlation with diesel fuel prices | 0.91 |
Percent of diesel price | 101.15% |
Cost of 40 liter tank, percent of income | 4.75% |
Gasoline consumption, percent of income | 1.59% |
Updated monthly. Methodological notes